Improving your car’s engine performance has a lot of benefits. Firstly, a high functioning engine enables your car to move faster with relatively lesser fuel and battery requirement. It also lessens your car’s carbon emission which will leave you with a minimal carbon footprint.
How do you make this possible?
In the past, car owners were obliged to make several upgrades if they wished to improve their car engine’s performance. The good news is that most modern car models are already equipped with a high-performance engine. The only thing you will have to worry about is maintaining your car engine’s horsepower.

As your trusted car maintenance and tuning company in Toowoomba, we are dedicated to helping you get the best out of your vehicle. So, we have come up with these helpful tips on how you can help improve and maintain your car engine’s performance.
#1 Carbon Clean Service
Due to the poor fuel quality in Australia our cars engines with everyday driving gum up with carbon. These carbon deposits can cause Poor fuel economy, a lack in power, rough idle and pinging (detonation).
A carbon clean service improves fuel economy, increases horsepower and reduced exhaust emissions increasing the operating efficiency of the engine. Most important is the feeling you will get when you feel the performance restored in your car.
#2 Cold Air Intakes/ Good Quality Air Filter
Due to its positioning, a standard air intake draws warm air for fuel combustion. This is not ideal. A cold air intake is designed to pull air farther away from the engine where it is cooler. Colder air is denser and produces more power, which means you will see a horsepower increase with this easy engine upgrade.
Another great option without going to the expense of an aftermarket cold air intake is to replace your existing air filter with a performance filter such as a K & N Filter. Unlike disposable filters which must be frequently replaced, K&N® High-Flow Air Filters™ are washable and reusable which helps reduce waste. Consisting of layered, oiled High-flow cotton media these filters are designed to allow up to 50% more airflow than traditional paper filters—and greater airflow can result in increased horsepower and torque.
#3 Invest in Good Quality Spark Plugs
With the presence of low maintenance car engines today, it is exceedingly rare for any of us to check our car’s ignition. At most, we will only focus our attention on it when the light signals us to “Check Engine.” When that happens, you will know that you’ll be heading for a disaster unless it gets fixed.
So, one thing you need to understand is this: the IGNITION must still be checked and your spark plugs must be changed regularly. When you need to replace your car’s ignition parts, make sure to include platinum tip spark plugs and other high-quality components. This will be a bit expensive but will prove to be convenient in the long run.
#4 Use synthetic lubricant
Friction makes it hard for your car engine to produce higher horsepower. It also causes unnecessary energy allocation which is wasted engine performance. With synthetic lubricant, damages such as erosion that is responsible for friction will be lessened.
#5 Weight Reduction
Some people treat their cars like their home away from home, but your car should not double as your storage unit. You will not gain extra horsepower by reducing the weight of your car, but you will improve its performance and economy. Ditch any unnecessary items that might be piling up in your car. You would be surprised how much weight reduction can be achieved when you’re not carrying around those 2 cartons of coke, 3 pairs of shoes, jumpers, water bottles and all the other items that seem to find their way into our car. The less weight in your car, the better it will, reusable High-Flow Air Filters™ feature a state-of-the-art design of layered, oiled cotton media, engineered to improve airflow and capture contaminants—and designed to give y i#6 Consult a car performance tuning expert
We cannot emphasize enough that a one size fits all approach is not the case for car engine requirements. Although the tips above can help you achieve improved engine performance, not everything applies to every vehicle. It is always better to consult a car performance expert to make a proper assessment and tailored recommendations.
Should you want to get a car engine assessment? Talk to us today.